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NameJoseph Eisenreich
LocationRoseville, CA

Joseph Eisenreich hails from South Carolina where he attended the SC Governor's School for the Arts and Humanities, specializing in Flute. At University of South Carolina, he started out as a flute performance major, but was bitten by the acting bug and switched to theatre. After graduation, he moved to San Francisco where he performed in a number of straight plays, operas, and musicals. After taking a break from acting to pursue a "day job," and start a family, he returned to the theatre that he was never very far from, and discovered a particular fondness for VO and narration. He has performed both training voice overs as well as audio book narrations, the latter being something of a favorite of his. He lives in Roseville, just outside of Sacramento, with his husband and their twin girls.

Sample 1
Retail demo for audiobook
Sample 2
Audio for HIPAA Course
Sample 3
Narr 3 char. Fr. dicalect